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Women's Studies Journal

Women's Studies Journal
2005 - 19:2

'Women and Violence'

Topics include doctors' experiences with abused women; women's experiences with lawyers and the Domestic Violence Act (1995); the law governing women's evidence in rape trials; the relationship between sex-work and violence; the spread of HIV and violence; and the relationship between traditional sociological theory and women's accounts of their experiences of abuse. There are also two commentaries on the subject - one from Hon Ruth Dyson, Minister for Women's Affairs, who speaks of the Labour Government's commitment to eradicating violence in New Zealand, and the other from Professor Jane Ritchie of Waikato University, who discusses women's violence towards children.


Contents and Editorial
Ang Jury and Mandy Morgan, p. 7 - 8
Commentary from the Minister for Women's Affairs
Hon. Ruth Dyson, pp. 9 - 12
Mortification of the Self: Goffman's theory and abusive intimate relationships
Ang Jury, pp. 9 - 12
Victimisation among those involved in underage commercial sexual activity
Miriam Saphira and Averil Herbert, pp. 32 - 40
Violence against women and the burden of HIV-AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
Laura Ann McCloskey, Ulla Larson, Corrie Williams, pp. 41 - 55
'It's really quite a delicate issue' - GP's talk about domestic violence
Amy Aldridge and Leigh Coombes, pp. 56 - 78
New Zealand women's experiences of lawyers in the context of domestic violence: criticisms and commendations
Rachael Pond and Mandy Morgan, pp. 79 - 106
Sexual violence in the courtroom: assisting women trial complainants in the courtroom
Elisabeth McDonald, pp. 107 - 130
Women's violence to children
Jane Ritchie, pp. 131 - 136
Book Review

Just Sex? The cultural scaffolding of rape,
By N. Gavey
Reviewed by Leith Pugmire, pp. 137 - 8

Women’s Studies Journal, Volume 19 Number 2, 2005. ISSN 1173-6615