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About Us
Women's Studies Association (NZ)/Pae Akoranga Wāhine
Women's Studies:
Gender and Women's Studies, University of Otago
Women's and Sexuality Studies, University of Waikato
Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association
Women's sites & resources:
Graduate Women NZ
Māori Women's Welfare League
The New Horizons for Women Trust
for grants and awards
National Council of Women
Auckland Women's Centre
Women's Health Action
Women's Refuge
Women Travel New Zealand
Association of Women in the Sciences
NZ Federation of Business & Professional Women
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (Aotearoa)
- CEVEP...campaign for equal value equal pay, advocating pay and employment equity for New Zealand women
Pay Equity Challenge Coalition
New Zealand's main campaign organization for employment equity.
The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women
Government sites & resources:
National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women
Ministry for Women
Feminist Journals:
Women's Studies: An inter-disciplinary journal
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Feminist Economics
Feminism & Psychology
Feminist Media Studies
Women's History Review
Feminist Blogs
Aotearoa/New Zealand
"Learning how to read, write and live on my own for the first time in my life"
out there
"Reading & Writing"
The Hand Mirror
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people"; has a long list of 'Other NZ women in Blogland'
by Jolisa Gracewood, on Public Address
Up Front
by Emma Hart, on Public Address
Ideologically Impure
"boutique identity politics / well renowned for friendly fire casualties"
Down Under Feminists' Carnival
tulia thompson: pasifikan in aotearoa
Associated with the print publication Bust: For women with something to get off their chests
Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog
Hoyden about Town
"The Hoydens blog on life, laughs, science, progressive politics and foiling diabolical masterminds"
the F word blog
"Contemporary UK feminism"
Sara Ahmed