Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
2005 - 19:1
- Valuing Motherhood? Experiences of mothers returning to paid employment
Ee Kheng Ang and Celia Briar
- Violent women in film: Law, feminism and social change
Catherine J. Iorns Magallanes
- Mana wāhine me te raweka ira: Māori feminist thought and genetic modification
Jessica Hutchings
- Health and biotechnology in Le Vay's Queer Science
Sara MacBride-Stewart
- Review article: Women and Development
Priya A. Kurian
Book reviews:
- Naked barbies, warrior joes & other forms of visible gender
- New woman hybridities: Femininity, feminism and international consumer culture, 1880-1930
- Mother matters: Motherhood as discourse and practice
- Women's rights and Islamic family law