Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
2000 - 16:2
- Embodying ambiguity: Somali refugee women and ethnic boundary 'maintenance'
Louise Humpage
- Mixed-sex rooming and being female: Delving into the complexities of identity and subjectivity
Beverley Burrell
Book Reviews:
- Poverty, social assistance and the employability of mothers: Restructuring welfare states, Maureen Baker and David Tippin. Reviewed by Jane Higgins.
- A daughter of Isis: An autobiography of Nawal El Saadawi, Nawal El Saadawi. Reviewed by Nabila Jaber.
- Childfree and sterilized: Women's decisions and medical responses, Annily Campbell. Reviewed by Jan Cameron.
- Her side of the story: Readings of Mander, Mansefield and Hyde, Mary Paul. Reviewed by Livia Kathe Wittmann.
- Poems by Johanne McComish
Review Article:
- Double vision: Art histories and colonial histories in the Pacific, Nicholas Thomas and Diane Losche (eds). Reviewed by Lynne Star.
Bibliographical Index:
- Women and the Law in New Zealand: Thirty Years of Scholarship
Sandra Petersson
Cover Image by Rosa Gabriella Alice.