Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
1997 - 13:1
- Talking Dancing: Choreographing the Audience in Some Recent Dance Work in Aotearoa
Eluned Summers-Bremner
- Representation of Self-Presentation: The Use of Oral History in Texts About Māori Women
Siobhan McKimmey
- A Study in Black and White: The Life and Work of Photographer Jessie Buckland
Vickie Hearnshaw
- 'Sameness' and Suckling: Feminism and a Changing Labour Market
Judith Galtry
- Ettie Rout's Other War
Jan A. Rodgers
- Feminist Ethnography: On the Politics of Doing Research on Women
Paulette Benton
- Feminism and the Sexual Abuse Debate: A Troubled Response to Camille Guy
Annabel Cooper
Book Reviews:
- The Story of Suzanne Aubert, by Jessie Munro, reviewed by Pauline
- The Internet for Women, by Rye Senjen and Jane Guthrey, reviewed
by Phillis Herda.
- Her Work and His: Family, Kin and Community in New Zealand, 1900-1930,
by Claire Toynbee, reviewed by Barbara Brookes.
- Eugenia, by Lorae Parry, reviewed by Aorewa McLeod.
- The Women's Parliament: The National Council of Women in New Zealand,
1896-1920, by Roberta Nicholls, reviewed by Margaret Tennant.
- The National Council of Women in New Zealand, by Dorothy Page,
reviewed by Margaret Tennant.
- Money-Go-Rounds: The Importance of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations
for Women, (eds)S. Ardener and S. Burman, reviewed by Angela Cheater.
Cover Image: Tawhiri, Alexis Louise Neal, 1996