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Women's Studies Journal

Women's Studies Journal
1996 - 12:1


  • For Women's Own Good: Gender Verification of Female Athletes
    Jan Cameron
  • 'Too Hard a Life for a Girl': Becoming a Nurse at Auckland Hospital, 1913-1917
    Deborah Dunsford
  • Women in the Club
    Sue Upton
  • Rights, Facts Humans and Women: An Archaeology of the Royal Commission on Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion in New Zealand
    Maureen Molloy
  • Wives and Mothers First: The New Zealand Teachers' Marriage Bar and the Ideology of Domesticity, 1920-1940
    Jo Aitken
  • Reflecting on the Pacific: Representations of the Pacific and Pacific Island Women in Five Dominant Cinematic Texts
    Judith van Trigt
Book Reviews:
  • Suffrage and Beyond: International Feminist Perspectives, (eds)Caroline Daley and Melanie Nolan, reviewed by Bridget Waldron.
  • Dissonance: Feminism and the Arts, 1970-90, (ed) Catriona Moore, reviewed by Judith Collard.
  • The Bodies of Women: Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Difference, by Rosalyn Diprose, reviewed by Barbara Nicholas.
  • Gender, Culture and Power, by Bev James and Kay Saville-Smith, reviewed by Rhonda Shaw.

Cover Photograph: Illusions of Flight, Kirsten Mitchell, 1995