Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
Autumn 2000 - 16:1
- Globalisation and the Effects of a Low Wage Income Strategy on New Zealand Women
Linda Hill
- The Discursive Construction of Obesity
Kath Ryan and Jenny Carryer
- 'Here I am everyone's umbrella': Relationships, Domesticity and Responsibilities - The Experiences of Four Latinas in New Zealand
Marie Anita Rivera, Mary Nash and Andrew Trlin
- From Cartwright to Gisborne and Back Again: Making Sense of Cervical Screening in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Suzanne Phibbs
- Flushed with Pride? Women's Quest for Public Toilets in New Zealand
Caroline Daley
Student Essay Competition Co-Winners:
- What's the Word? A Feminist Poststructural Reading of the NZ Family Planning Association's Sexuality Education Booklet
Maree Burns
- Amazing, True and Other Stories: A Research Paper
Pip Robertson
Book Reviews:
- Alice: The Making of a Woman Doctor, by Fay Hercock, reviewed
by Helen Conner.
- She Dared to Speak: Connie Birchfield's Story, by Maureen Birchfield,
reviewed by Helen Conner.
- Kept by the Power, by Glenys Lewis, reviewed by Helen Conner.
- Jean DeVanny: Romantic Revolutionary, by Carole Ferrier, reviewed
by Aorewa McLeod.
- Telling Women's Lives: Narrative Inquiries in the History of Women's
Education, (eds)Kathleen Weiler and Sue Middleton, reviewed by Rosemary
Du Plessis.
- Halving It All: How Equally Shared Parenting Works, by Francine
M. Deutsch, reviewed by Ruth Habgood.
Cover Images: Faces...'Tempt' 'Seduce', Fran Marno, 2000
Vol 16 No 1.