Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
2016 - 30:2
Johanna Schmidt, Carolyn Michelle, and Rachel Simon-Kumar, co-editors, p.3-5
Feminism in psychology: Aotearoa/New Zealand and beyond
Cate Curtis, pp.6-22
Examining middle-class women's reproductive agency in collective and patriarchal settings of urban
northern India
Ambika Kohli, pp.23-37
'I'm allowed to be angry': Students resist postfeminist education in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Emma Blackett, pp.38-52
Research report
Wrestling with the hydra: Health and welfare workers' perspectives on women and alcohol in Aotearoa/
New Zealand
Jenny Rankine, pp.53-61
Reflection from the field
Trigger warnings in university teaching
Rebecca Stringer, pp.62-66
Event reviews
From suffragettes to future feminists: Breakfast and talk, Reviewed by Anna McMartin, pp.67-69
He mana, he wahine: LATE at the museum, Reviewed by Tara Pond, pp.70-72
Madeline Di Nonno and Brita McVeigh: If she can see it, she can be it, Reviewed by Johanna Schmidt, pp.73-76
Book Review
Carol Cohn (Ed.): Women and wars: Contested histories, uncertain futures, Reviewed by Gwen Parsons, pp.77-78
Women’s Studies Journal, Volume 30 Number 2, December 2016. ISSN 1173-6615