Women's Studies Journal
Women's Studies Journal
2002 - 18:1
- What Goes Around
Margaret Roth
- Doing Feminism: An Interview with Kate Dewes
Alison Kagen & Anne Scott
- Just or Unjust: Problematising the Gendered Nature of Criminal Justice
Samantha Jeffries
- More Women and New Skills: Economic Restructuring and the Feminisation of Aotearoa New Zealand's Museums
Joanna Cobley & Toby Harfield
- Gender and Pay in Clothing and Laundry Work: Linda Hill Talks to Maxine Gay, Clothing, Laundry & Allied Workers Union
Linda Hill
- Naked Skin Together: Exploring Young Women's Narratives of Corporeal (Hetero)sexual Pleasure Through a Spectrum of Embodiment.
Louisa Allen
- The Women's Christian Temperance Union and Food Reform in New Zealand
Janet Mitchell
Book Reviews:
- The Girls in the Gang, by Glennis Denehy and George
Newbold, reviewed by Vivienne Elizabeth.
- Work Wise: A New Zealand Guide to Managing Workplace Relationships,
by Pat Rosier, reviewed by Celia Briar.
- Lady Travellers: The Tourists of Early New Zealand, by Bee Dawson,
reviewed by Joanna Cobley.
- 'Unfortunate Folk': Essays on Mental Health Treatment, 1863-1992,(eds)
by Barbara Brookes and Jane Thompson, reviewed by Jenny Coleman.
- A Fine Pen: The Chinese View of Catherine Mansfield, by Joanna
Woods, reviewed by Alexandra Smith
Review Article:
- Pacific Women Speak Out: For Independence and Denuclearisation, by
Zohl de Ishtar and Aotearoa/ New Zealand at the World Court, by
Kate Dewes and Robert Green, reviewed by Linda Persson.